手拉手集团 >> 企业文化 >> 来自世界的10个文化碰撞


时间 :14-12-20 热度 :



The American Tipping Culture美国的小费文化
One major culture shock for foreign visitors to the US will be the tipping culture, as you are expected to tip for just about everything.After a meal the waiter will give you a bill with a ‘fake total’ which you are then expected to add a 15-25% mark up to.The same goes in bars,hotels and even with toilet attendants. 到美国旅游的伙伴们注意啦,给小费是美国的一个主要文化特色~~基本上什么事情都要给小费啦~~比如说吃晚饭后,服务生会给你一个账单,但是这不是最终你要付的金额,还需要另外加上15-25%的小费,同样的情况适用于酒吧,旅馆,甚至在卫生间,遇到服务生也要给小费滴~~


Eating What You’re Given给你吃的你必须吃掉
South African guests visiting tribes or townships are often offered a cultural or locally known delicacy as a form of greeting and respect. This can range from insects to organs from sacrificed animals, if they’re not eaten it can be a sign of disrespected and could offend the locals. 到南非旅游的小伙伴会去当地的部落或者是乡镇观光,当地居民为了表示欢迎和尊敬,会提供比较有特色的当地文化和美食。当然这些食物从虫子到动物器官什么都有,如果你不吃的话,就表示不尊重他们,是对他们的一种冒犯。 

Pizza Size Misconception美国的披萨大小

A common mistake for most European travelers to the US when ordering a large pizza is forgetting that European pizzas generally tend to be made to be eaten by one person.As you can imagine the large pizza they’re then faced with tends to surprise the unprepared traveler. 欧洲的游客们到了美国通常会犯同样的错误,那就是点一个“大号”披萨来吃,在欧洲披萨的大小是按一人份计算的,但是美国不是这样啊,你可以想象下,当欧洲游客们看到大披萨会是多么“惊喜”~~~~

A Religious Way of  Life土耳其的宗教生活
A none-religious traveler will most likely receive a rough night’s sleep in Istanbul.You should be ready with ear plugs or be prepared to wake up at 3am every morning to the sound of the Muslim call to prayer blasting out on loudspeakers throughout the city. 无宗教信仰的游客如果在伊斯坦布尔过夜的话可能会有点儿难熬,因为本地的宗教风俗,穆斯林们凌晨3点就起床,开着超大声的扬声器开始祷告,所以一定要提前准备好耳塞~~~
Binning Toilet Roll希腊关于厕纸的习惯
In countries like Greece travelers may be surprised to find signs saying not to flush toilet roll down the toilet,instead a bin is provided to deposit used tissue paper. This tends to happens where the sewage system hasn’t been upgraded in years, such as in Athens where historical finds tend to show construction. 在希腊卫生间里你会看到“禁止冲走厕纸”的提示,当然旁边会有专门扔厕纸的垃圾桶。(其实这是有特殊原因的~~~)希腊的下水道系统一直没有升级,所以没有办法冲走厕纸,在雅典到处都是历史古迹,所以没有办法升级下水道啊~~~

The Customer Is Always Right 顾客永远是对的
If you’re used to the Western philosophy of ‘the customer is always right’, you may find yourself being surprised in countries such as Greece . Criticize a business owner,their wares or business, and it’s likely they’ll tell you to leave their shop in a less than polite fashion.

The Queuing Phenomenon 排队现象
Queuing is something Brits pride themselves on doing especially well. The golden rule of queuing is : don’t ignore the queue. Whether it is queuing for Wimbledon or the London underground, do so with style and grace. Cutting in will not make you any friends!

Invasion of Personal Space 私人空间的侵入
The distance at which we stand from someone as we speak has meaning. In the US for example, standing too close can signal familiarity or aggression. The English and Germans tend to stand further away,while Mexicans however stand extremely close, which can be rather disconcerting.



Manner Mode 礼貌模式
In Japan, train commuters receive a barrage of recorded announcements telling then to switch their mobiles to silent or vibrate, referred to as ‘manner mode’.

Reversal of Gestures 这些手势的含义是反着的
Travelers in Bulgaria will find the way they generally interact with people is different. Nodding your head means ‘NO’ and shaking your head means ‘yes’. Try not to mix these up or your conversation with the locals may go sour rather quickly. 在保加利亚旅行会发现他们与人们互动的方式是不同的。点头是“不”,摇头是“是”,跟当地人交流的时候千万可别搞混了,不然会坏事儿啊~~



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